Hello London!

Hello London!

I have arrived! Not without a few delays and a super long security line, but I made all my connections, and to London, even if it was a little late! I navigated the tube with ease (ok so maybe I got on the wrong one connecting to Notting Hill BUT I got off before it moved!). First stop once in Notting Hill? The O2 store to get my SIM card. Priorities right? With a full day in Oxford tomorrow I needed to make sure it didn’t close before I started my Sunday “strolls”.

The journey, not the arrival, matters.

T.S Eliot

I decided that even though I was an hour behind schedule I’d still head to the Natural History Museum as I’d have a little over an hour to explore its wonders. How was I to know that the museum itself is a wonder? Stunningly beautiful on the from the inside out. I could have easily spent more time just photographing the intricacies of the main hall. 

But. To explore, just like the archeologists who found all these bones! The dinosaur exhibit was amazing! Since I’m currently reading an awesome book about the creation of dinosaurs this was particularly fascinating and far more than just piles of old bones. They even had an animated T Rex and that was neat to see (also closed starting tomorrow hence my mad dash to get to the museum today). It would be so neat to be able to walk among these majestic creatures as the full skeletons they had were humongous! Well. I then went to the mammal exhibit. Let’s just say I was wrong in the dinosaur skeletons being the largest! The whale skeletons sheer magnitude was astounding!  

After the museum closed I began my walk back to Notting Hill, or I guess as I stated before, my Sunday stroll! By this time I was feeling particularly famished as I’d not eaten since 8am aside from a nibble of a power bar. I was determined, no matter how long the wait, to eat at The Churchill Arms. I instantly knew I was coming close as I could see the flowers. All. Of. The. Flowers. This pub is just too pretty for its own good. There wasn’t a seat in the main pub, but I managed to get a table at the Thai garden section in the back. I had myself a refreshing tall pint (I can’t say cold. But it was refreshing) and a plate of Pad Thai, mild, because even that had me sweating. Or could it have been that it was 26 degrees in London when I arrived? 

The rest of the walk took me up Portobello road at dusk and I cannot wait to go back when the street is vibrant and awake and full of life. The rest was just boring bits of getting some breakfast and water from the local supermarket and then lugging it back home (I still can’t feel my pinkie finger). 

Off to Oxford tomorrow and I cannot wait! So until then, happy reading! 

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